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Ultramarine Blue PB29

Pigment Blue

Bright, deep blue, usually violet tomid shade blue, can be in greenish shades too. Staining w/ good tinting strength. Usually slightly duller in natural forms,

Synthetic ultramarine is made by mixing anhydrous sodium sulfate or sodium carbonate with charcoal, clay, rosin, silica, sulfur, and slowly calcined in a reducing atmosphere to 1,380º F(750º C).The various shades of blues, greens, reds and violets are produced by varying heating times and temperatures, mixture proportions, and/or other modifiers. For example Ultramarine Green is the "first product of ignition in the manufacture of Ultramarine blue by the indirect process (Ref Color Index 3rd Ed., V.4, Inorganic colorants CI 77013). Synthetic ultramarine blue has particles that rounder, finer and more even in sizethan the natural ultramarine. (Ref at Boston Fine Arts CAMEO Materials Database). Lapis Lazuli (Ref at Boston Fine Arts CAMEO Art Materials Database). Ultramarine blue, natural (Ref at Boston Fine Arts CAMEO Materials Database). Ultramarine blue, synthetic (Ref at Boston Fine Arts CAMEO Materials Database). LBNLPigment Database Spectral radiative properties. French Ultramarine Blue. Making pigments: Ultramarine at

Colors by Brand for Ultramarine Blue

Mixed Colors that use the unique color Ultramarine Blue:

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