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Cerulean Blue PB35

Pigment Blue

Cobalt Stannate. Cobalt tin oxide. Oxides of Cobalt and Tin. Originally composed of cobalt stannate. Cerulean blue is made by roasting cobalt and tin oxides. Cerulean blue (Ref at Boston Fine Arts CAMEO Art Materials Database). Cobalt Tin Grey Co2SnO4 is an inorganic pigment that is the reaction product of calcining a mixture of different amounts of both cobalt (II) oxide and tin (III) oxide. They are homogeneously, ionically entwined forming a crystalline spinel type matrix. The constitution may additionally have Al2O3, Fe2O3, and/or NiO as modifiers that are used to adjust color hue and other properties that may be needed in specific applications.(Ref IPConsortium). How Cerulean Blue is made at

Colors by Brand for Cerulean Blue

Mixed Colors that use the unique color Cerulean Blue:

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