Varying lightgreenish blues Med. staining w/ good tinting strength
Inorganic. Cobalt Chromite Blue Green Spinel Co(Al,Cr)2O4 is made by calcining at 2400°F a mixture of Cobalt (II) Oxide, Chromium (III) Oxide, and Aluminum (III) Oxide in varied ratios forming a interdiffused crystalline spinel matrix. Its constitution may also include one or more of the modifiers ZnO, MgO, SiO2, TiO2 and/or ZrO2 to adjust color hue or other properties. (Ref Color Index 4th edition). Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO) (PCImag Ref):Cobaltous Chromium. Oxides of Cobalt and Aluminum. Cobalt Aluminum Chromium Oxide. LBNLPigment Database Spectral radiative properties. Cerulean Blue. Cobalt Chromite Blue.
Colors by Brand for Cobalt Chromite
Mixed Colors that use the unique color Cobalt Chromite: