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Vine Black PBk8

Pigment Black

Black, Undertone depends on impurities can be blueish to brownish. Very staining w/ good tinting strength. Slow drying in oils

Inorganic. Natural carbon of organic and mineral origin and may contain a substantial amount of impurities (Ref: Color Index, Pigment and Solvent Dyes Edition, 1997).. "Impure carbon of organic and mineral origin" (Ref Color index 3rd Ed., V.4, Inorganic colorants CI 77268). Made by burning vegetable matter in a low oxygen environment. Name comes from the grape vines used in one method of manufacture., (Ref Pigment Compendium, 2008, p.396). , (Ref paint making at How Carbon Black is made at

Colors by Brand for Vine Black

Mixed Colors that use the unique color Vine Black:

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