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Chrome Antimony Titanate PBr24

Pigment Brown

Light valued yellowish to reddish brown to light golden orange or tan. Shades are varied by modifiers added during production, see chem. props. to the left. Sta

Synthetic Complex Inorganic. (Ti,Cr,Sb)O2Chrome Antimony Titanium Buff Rutile, is created by calcination of Titanium (IV) Oxide, Chromium (III) Oxide, and Antimony (V) Oxide in varied ratios creating a mixed phase systemwith a Rutile structure. It may include one or more of the modifiers Al2O3, MnO, NiO, WO3 and/or ZnO. (Ref Color Index 4th edition). Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO) (PCImag Ref):Complex inorganic coloured pigment based on titanium oxide. in therutile lattice, titanium ions are partially replaced by chromium (III) andantimony (V) ions.(Ref. SIDS INITIAL ASSESSMENT PROFILE.PDF)Chrome Antimony Titanium oxide mixed phase system having a rutile structure. Chrome Antimony Titanium Buff Rutile. LBNL Pigment Database Spectral radiative properties. Chrome Antimony Titanium Buff Rutile (i). Chrome Antimony Titanium Buff Rutile (ii). Chrome Antimony Titanium Buff Rutile (iii). Chrome Titanate Yellow. (Ti, Cr, Sb) O2

Colors by Brand for Chrome Antimony Titanate

Mixed Colors that use the unique color Chrome Antimony Titanate:

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