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Brown Iron Oxide PBr7

Pigment Brown

Yellow brown to brown to dull red (see above). Oil paints and watercolors using PBr6 and PBr 7 exist in almost any shade of yellow orange, red and violet brown

Processed Inorganic. Natural Brown Iron Oxide and/or Calcinednatural Iron Oxide, usually with varying ratios of hydrated Iron Oxide to anhydrous Iron Oxide, along with Manganese Oxide, Aluminum, silica clays and other natural minerals depending on mine site.. Many brands substitute or confuse the synthetic pigment for the natural one, giving both the same Common names and C.I. names interchangeably, PBr7 is the name for the Natural Pigment & PBr6 is the synthetic one.LBNLPigment Database Spectral radiative properties. Burnt Sienna. Raw Sienna. Raw UmberHow Umber is made at

Colors by Brand for Brown Iron Oxide

Mixed Colors that use the unique color Brown Iron Oxide:

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