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Cobalt Titanate Green PG50

Pigment Green

Dull Olive green to bright mid green, comes in Blue shade & Yellow shade versions. Med. staining with average tinting strength.

Inorganic. Cobalt Titanate Green Spinel (Co)2TiO4 is light green powder produced by high temperature calcination of a mixture of Cobalt (II) Oxide and Titanium (IV) Oxide in varied ratios creating a crystalline matrix of inverse spinel. It may include any one or more of the modifiers Al2O3, CaO, Cr2O3, Fe2O3, Li2O3, MgO, NiO, Sb2O5, and/or ZnO. (Ref Color Index 4th edition). Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO) (PCImag Ref):Cobalt Titanate. Cobalt Titanate Green Spinel. Oxides of nickel, Cobalt and Titanium. LBNLPigment Database Spectral radiative properties. Cobalt Teal. Cobalt Titanate Green Spinel (i). Cobalt Titanate Green Spinel (ii). Co2TiO4

Colors by Brand for Cobalt Titanate Green

Mixed Colors that use the unique color Cobalt Titanate Green:

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