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Alizarin Crimson PR83 Pigment Red
Natural anthraquinone dye, derived from the roots of plants of the madder genus, usually fixed onto an Alum or Aluminium Hydroxide base. (Ref Alizarin Crimson at Boston Fine Arts). Alizarin (wikipedia Ref). Making madder lake at webexhibits.orgC14H8O4
Colors by Brand for Alizarin Crimson Mixed Colors that use the unique color Alizarin Crimson: Utrecht Artists Oil Colors Olive Green Pigment Index: PB27 Pigment Index: PR83 Pigment Index: PY150 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 02122-7073: 37 ml (1.25 oz) $7.3(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Go to Olive Green PB27,PR83,PY150 Daniel Smith Oil Color Moonglow Pigment Index: PB29 Pigment Index: PG18 Pigment Index: PR83 Pigment Index: PY83 Series: 4 Opacity: Transparent Brand Color Description: PB 29, PG 18, PR 83 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Jerrys Artarama: SKU 677: 37 Ml $28.92 Unknown Stock Jerrys Artarama: SKU V23293: 37 Ml $28.92 Unknown Stock Blick Art Materials: SKU 02127-2173: $17.87(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Go to Moonglow PB29,PG18,PR83,PY83 Grumbacher Pre-Tested Artists Oil Colors Brown Madder Pigment Index: PBk6 Pigment Index: PBr7 Pigment Index: PR83 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 00448-8213: 37 ml (1.25 oz) $10.82(2022-08-29) OutOfStock Buy Now Go to Brown Madder PBk6,PBr7,PR83 Maimeri Artisti Oil Colors Sap Green Pigment Index: PG7 Pigment Index: PO43 Pigment Index: PR83 Pigment Index: PY83 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 02116-7093: 60 $() unknown availability Buy Now Go to Sap Green PG7,PO43,PR83,PY83 Maimeri Artisti Oil Colors Stil De Grain Brown Pigment Index: PG7 Pigment Index: PR83 Pigment Index: PY83 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 02116-8893: 60 $() unknown availability Buy Now Go to Stil De Grain Brown PG7,PR83,PY83 Maimeri Artisti Oil Colors Madder (Alizarin) Light Pigment Index: PO43 Pigment Index: PR122 Pigment Index: PR83 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 02116-3513: 60 $35.5(2022-08-29) LimitedAvailability Buy Now Go to Madder (Alizarin) Light PO43,PR122,PR83 Grumbacher Pre-Tested Artists Oil Colors Alizarin Crimson Golden Pigment Index: PO48 Pigment Index: PR83 Pigment Index: PY65 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 00448-3713: 37 ml (1.25 oz) $10.82(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Go to Alizarin Crimson Golden PO48,PR83,PY65 Holbein Artists Oil Rose Dore Pigment Index: PR144 Pigment Index: PR83 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 00425-3773: 40 ml (1.35 oz) $15.44(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Go to Rose Dore PR144,PR83 Maimeri Artisti Oil Colors Madder (Alizarin) Deep Pigment Index: PR83 Pigment Index: PV19 Pigment Index: PV23 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 02116-3533: 60 $35.5(2022-08-29) LimitedAvailability Buy Now Go to Madder (Alizarin) Deep PR83,PV19,PV23 Maimeri Artisti Oil Colors Violet Lake Pigment Index: PR83 Pigment Index: PV23 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 02116-6563: 60 $33.95(2022-08-29) unknown availability Buy Now Go to Violet Lake PR83,PV23 Grumbacher Pre-Tested Artists Oil Colors Rose Madder Hue Pigment Index: PR83 Pigment Index: PY3 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 00448-3793: 37 ml (1.25 oz) $8.63(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Go to Rose Madder Hue PR83,PY3 0 minutes 2 seconds0 minutes 2 seconds
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