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Naphthol AS Red PR9 Pigment Red
Synthetic Organic. Monoazo. Naphthol. Pigment Chemical Composition @ PubChem Chemical DatabaseLBNL Pigment Database Spectral radiative properties can be found here: Naphthol Red Light @ Cool Colors
Colors by Brand for Naphthol AS Red Chroma Archival Oil Colors Napthol Red Light Pigment Index: PR9 Unique Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 02105-3193: 40 $6.48(2022-08-29) unknown availability Buy Now Blick Art Materials: SKU 02105-3194: 120 $23.15(2022-08-29) unknown availability Buy Now Mixed Colors that use the unique color Naphthol AS Red: Chroma Archival Oil Colors Jaune Brillant Pigment Index: PR9 Pigment Index: PW6 Pigment Index: PY74LF Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 02105-3903: 40 $6.48(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Go to Jaune Brillant PR9,PW6,PY74LF Chroma Archival Oil Colors Naples Yellow Reddish Pigment Index: PR9 Pigment Index: PW6 Pigment Index: PY65 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 02105-4153: 40 $6.48(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Go to Naples Yellow Reddish PR9,PW6,PY65 0 minutes 2 seconds0 minutes 2 seconds
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