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Ultramarine Violet PV15 Pigment Violet
Inorganic. Sodium aluminium sulfosilicate (blue shade). sodium aluminium sulfur silicate (red shade). The creation of Ultramarine Violet is carried out by heating at 200–250°C a mixture of ultramarine blueand 2.5–5% ammonium chloride.It takes4 days of calcining while being exposed to the air until a purple hue is created.Ultramarine Red is derived from ultramarine violet by heating itfor four hours with gaseous hydrochloric acid at 200°C. It's creation canalso be accomplished by heating ultramarine violet at a even higher temperatures with gaseous nitric acid (Reference Pigment Compendium, 2008). Ultramarine Violet. Chemical properties @ PubChem Open Chemical Database.
Colors by Brand for Ultramarine Violet Mixed Colors that use the unique color Ultramarine Violet: Winsor and Newton Artist Oils Mauve Blue Shade Pigment Index: PB15 Pigment Index: PV15 Pigment Index: PV19 Pigment Index: PV23 Series: 1 Opacity: Transparent Mixed Pigment Oil Color Permanence Rating: A Product vendor SKU and prices Jerrys Artarama: SKU 45023: 37 Ml $7.55 Unknown Stock Blick Art Materials: SKU 00461-6423: 37 ml (1.25 oz) $6.95(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Go to Mauve Blue Shade PB15,PV15,PV19,PV23 Gamblin Artists Oil Color Ultramarine Violet Pigment Index: PB29 Pigment Index: PV15 Series: 2 Opacity: Transparent Product vendor SKU and prices Jerrys Artarama: SKU 55320: 150 Ml $25.50 Unknown Stock Jerrys Artarama: SKU V06917: 8 Oz $36.00 Unknown Stock Jerrys Artarama: SKU 55315: 37 Ml $10.13 Unknown Stock Jerrys Artarama: SKU V06928: 16 Oz $63.75 Unknown Stock Blick Art Materials: SKU 00401-6646: 473 ml (16 oz) $51.6(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Blick Art Materials: SKU 00401-6645: 237ml (8 oz) $29.4(2022-08-29) unknown availability Buy Now Blick Art Materials: SKU 00401-6644: 150 ml (5.07 oz) $20.4(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Blick Art Materials: SKU 00401-6643: 37 ml (1.25 oz) $8.4(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Go to Ultramarine Violet PB29,PV15 Williamsburg Oil Color Ultramarine Blue French Pigment Index: PB29 Pigment Index: PV15 Series: 2 Opacity: Transparent Brand Color Description: PB29,PV15 Brand Color Description: Ultramarine Blue French Mixed Pigment Oil Color Grind: Very Fine Product vendor SKU and prices Jerrys Artarama: SKU 60245: 37 Ml $11.40 Unknown Stock Jerrys Artarama: SKU 1223: 150 Ml $31.07 Unknown Stock Jerrys Artarama: SKU 60393: 150 Ml $31.07 Unknown Stock Jerrys Artarama: SKU 1222: 37 Ml $11.40 Unknown Stock Blick Art Materials: SKU 01571-5273: 37 ml (1.25 oz) $10.55(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Blick Art Materials: SKU 01571-5274: 150 ml (5 oz) $28.79(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Go to Ultramarine Violet PB29,PV15 Williamsburg Oil Color SF Ultramarine Blue French Pigment Index: PB29 Pigment Index: PV15 Series: 2 Opacity: Transparent Brand Color Description: PB29,PV15 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Grind: Very Fine Go to Ultramarine Violet PB29,PV15 Williamsburg Handmade Safflower Oil Colors Ultramarine Blue French Pigment Index: PB29 Pigment Index: PV15 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 01571-5270: 237 ml (8 oz) $39.41(2022-08-29) unknown availability Buy Now Blick Art Materials: SKU 01571-5278: 150 ml (5 oz) $28.79(2022-08-29) unknown availability Buy Now Blick Art Materials: SKU 01571-5271: 37 ml (1.25 oz) $10.55(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Blick Art Materials: SKU 01571-5272: 473 ml (16 oz) $67.13(2022-08-29) unknown availability Buy Now Go to Ultramarine Violet PB29,PV15 M. Graham Oil Color Mineral Violet Pigment Index: PV15 Pigment Index: PV16 Opacity: Semi Transparent Drying Time: Moderate Brand Color Description: Manganese Ammonium Pyro Phosphate (PV 16) Silicate of Sodium & Aluminum with Sulfur (PV 1 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Jerrys Artarama: SKU V28356: 1.25 Oz $11.01 Unknown Stock Blick Art Materials: SKU 01573-6703: 37 ml (1.25 oz) $12.77(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Go to Mineral Violet PV15,PV16 Schmincke Mussini Oil Colors Brownish Gray 1 Pigment Index: PV15 Pigment Index: PW4 Pigment Index: PW6 Pigment Index: PY155 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 00473-2213: 35 $20.26(2022-08-29) unknown availability Buy Now Blick Art Materials: SKU 00473-2214: 150 $52.19(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Go to Brownish Gray 1 PV15,PW4,PW6,PY155 Williamsburg Oil Color Naples Yellow Pigment Index: PV15 Pigment Index: PW4 Pigment Index: PW6 Pigment Index: PY175 Pigment Index: PY3 Pigment Index: PY42 Pigment Index: PY65 Series: 2 Opacity: Opaque Brand Color Description: Naples Yellow Brand Color Description: PW6,PY42,PY175,PY3,PY65,PV15 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Grind: Very Fine Product vendor SKU and prices Jerrys Artarama: SKU 1096: 150 Ml $31.07 Unknown Stock Jerrys Artarama: SKU 60348: 150 Ml $31.07 Unknown Stock Jerrys Artarama: SKU 60200: 37 Ml $11.40 Unknown Stock Jerrys Artarama: SKU 1095: 37 Ml $11.40 Unknown Stock Blick Art Materials: SKU 01571-4144: 150 ml (5 oz) $28.79(2022-08-29) unknown availability Buy Now Blick Art Materials: SKU 01571-4143: 37 ml (1.25 oz) $10.55(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Go to Naples Yellow PV15,PW4,PW6,PY175,PY3,PY42,PY65 Holbein Artists Oil Violet Gray Pigment Index: PV15 Pigment Index: PW6 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 00425-6682: 20 ml (.68 oz) $6.83(2022-08-29) OutOfStock Buy Now Blick Art Materials: SKU 00425-6683: 40 ml (1.35 oz) $11.88(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Go to Violet Gray PV15,PW6 0 minutes 2 seconds0 minutes 2 seconds
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