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Ultramarine Violet PV15

Pigment Violet

Inorganic. Sodium aluminium sulfosilicate (blue shade). sodium aluminium sulfur silicate (red shade). The creation of Ultramarine Violet is carried out by heating at 200–250°C a mixture of ultramarine blueand 2.5–5% ammonium chloride.It takes4 days of calcining while being exposed to the air until a purple hue is created.Ultramarine Red is derived from ultramarine violet by heating itfor four hours with gaseous hydrochloric acid at 200°C. It's creation canalso be accomplished by heating ultramarine violet at a even higher temperatures with gaseous nitric acid (Reference Pigment Compendium, 2008). Ultramarine Violet. Chemical properties @ PubChem Open Chemical Database.

Colors by Brand for Ultramarine Violet

Mixed Colors that use the unique color Ultramarine Violet:

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