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Cobalt Lithium Violet Phosphate PV47 Pigment Violet
Red shade Violet
Inorganic. Cobalt lithium violet phosphate. Made by the calcination of Cobalt (II) Oxide, Lithium (I) Oxide, and Phosphorus (V) Oxide to give a crystalline phosphate with the constitution CoLiPO4.
Colors by Brand for Cobalt Lithium Violet Phosphate Holbein Artists Oil Cobalt Violet Pigment Index: PV47 Unique Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 00425-6522: 20 ml (.68 oz) $23.78(2022-08-29) unknown availability Buy Now Blick Art Materials: SKU 00425-6523: 40 ml (1.35 oz) $45.58(2022-08-29) unknown availability Buy Now Holbein Vernet Superior Artists Cobalt Violet Pigment Index: PV47 Unique Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 02117-6520: 20ml $69.6(2022-08-29) unknown availability Buy Now Mixed Colors that use the unique color Cobalt Lithium Violet Phosphate: Holbein Artists Oil Gray of Gray Pigment Index: PBk1 Pigment Index: PV47 Pigment Index: PW6 Mixed Pigment Oil Color Product vendor SKU and prices Blick Art Materials: SKU 00425-2614: 40 ml (1.35 oz) $11.88(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Blick Art Materials: SKU 00425-2615: 20 ml (.68 oz) $6.83(2022-08-29) InStock Buy Now Go to Gray of Gray PBk1,PV47,PW6 0 minutes 2 seconds0 minutes 2 seconds
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