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Lead White PW1

Pigment White

Synthetic Inorganic. White Lead (Ref wikipedia). Stack Process Lead White (Ref Natural Pigments). Chemical composition and other interesting information can be found at PubChem Open Chemical Database. "Lead carbonateis one of the compounds which can be named lead white.It is the synthetic analogue of the mineral cerussite", "Lead white usually refers to Lead Carbonate Hydroxide (Basic Lead Carbonate, Lead(II) carbonate basic or the natural form Hydrocerussite. In addition ‘lead white’ may be extended to describe the lead chloride oxides, lead phosphates and particularly the lead sulfates"(Ref Pigment Compendium p.228, p.239)Cerussite1 and Hydrocerussite are the natural mineral forms and may have some impurities. (Ref wikipedia). (Ref (Ref google images). (Ref Hydrocerussite (Ref, and pic gallery). (Ref, Nice Pic here). (Ref pdf from handbook of (Ref pics at Lead Carbonate2 (Ref wikipedia). Basic Lead Carbonate. Lead Carbonate Hydroxide. Lead(2+) dicarbonate dihydroxide. Cerussite:Hydrocerussite:Lead Carbonate2:

Colors by Brand for Lead White

Mixed Colors that use the unique color Lead White:

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