Many shades slightly dull pale to bright, greenish to red yellow. Colors vary by particle size and metal modifiers added during production Weak tinting strength
Inorganic. Lead Antimonate Yellow Pyrochlore, is obtained by calcining a mixture of Lead (II) Oxide and Antimony (V) Oxide to create a matrix of pyrochlore. It may include A1203, CdO, Fe2O3, MgO, SnO2, TiO2, and/or ZnO as modifierss. (Ref Color Index). Lead Antimoniate. Lead metantimonate. Lead antimonate yellow(Ref. Boston Fine Arts CAMEO Art Materials Database). How Naples Yellow is made at Occurs naturally as Bindheimite (hydrous antimonate of lead), ( Ref), (images), ( Ref).
Colors by Brand for Naples Yellow
Mixed Colors that use the unique color Naples Yellow: