Quinacridone Red PR209 is a transparent artist oil color with excellent lightfastness and great use for mixing colors on the palette. It is available in numerous brands though I hjave recently notices it is not available in Gamblin. My personal palette has for years been Gamblin only. While developing this database I am finding colors that I have been missing out on. This color is one very important color that has not been in my studio. I can hardly wait to try it. Choosing a brand is the next step. Daniel Smith Oil Color calls it Quinacridone Coral which look svery similar in the color chips as M. Graham Oil Color and Sennelier Oil Color Rose Madder Lake. Winsor and Newton Quinacridone Red may be warmer and Sennelier Crimson Lake may be cooler. We can assume a warmer and cooler version of PR209 in Sennelier brand since they sell under two different names.
If you follow the link to the page Quinacridone Red PR209 you will find tube colors that use PR209 in their mixtures. The Daniel Smith Oil Color I am very fond of is Quinacridone Sienna. It adds PO48 (Quinacridone Rust or Quinacridone Burnt Orange) and PY150 (Nickel Azo Yellow or Indian Yellow Deep). It's rich and warm! I can see using this mix to be very striking.
Sennelier Oil Color uses PR209 in their Cobalt Violet Hue by adding PV16 Manganese Violet and some PW6 Titanium White. Obviously semi-opaque, Cobalt Violet Hue would not be a color I would consider by name. 'Hue' tends to put off any professional artist. But since Williamsburg Oil describes their PV16 Manganese Violet 'this violet is a substantial, rather heavy, earth loud violet - not subtle like the ethereal, limpid cobalts', I am quite tempted to see a palette of PR209, PO48, PY150, PV16 with possible Titanium Zinc Oxide White (PW6, PW4).
If you follow the links from PO48 or PY150 you might scroll down and find Daniel Smith Oil Color Hookers Green and Green Gold. Those greens next to the Violet or Quin Sienna would be fabulous! So let's add the PG36 (Phthalocyanine Green Yellow Shade) and PY3 (Hansa Yellow Light) to the palette. I will need to order the PR209 but a painting will be posted here with this palette when it comes in. Don't be limited by the color swatch pictured. Once you start mixing these colors you will be pleasantly surprised.
This web site is a work in progress. If you think you would like to submit palettes with example paintings, do not hesitate to send a message. Get painting!!!
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